Check out our Online Auction to support our Holiday Initiative. Registration for Breakfast with Santa is now open!

Disruptions to our personal and professional lives, schedule changes, and school closings present unique challenges for individuals with a complexity of needs and circumstances.  In a situation that’s constantly changing, we understand that these may cause feelings of anxiety and distress.   For youth, young adults and adults, these feelings will manifest differently and each support will have an individualized approach:

  • Speak with the individual or family about how they are coping with sudden changes to their daily routines
  • Talk about the things that may be bothering, worrying, or making the individual feel anxious and upset.
  • Providing structure and routine through strategies that allows the individual to anticipate what may come next in the day and may help them live reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Explaining new expectations and social rules that the individual will have to adhere to in order to keep them safe and healthy.
  • Practice new social expectations and strategies with the individual to see how they are coping.
  • Spend time talking about things that interests the individual, maintain focus on positive experiences.